Telecom market regulation
Government and corporation telecom consultancy on regulation, license sales, bids, tenders
Founded as family business in 1994, we have been specializing in advisory roles to support political and economic decision-making, as well as in business consulting and professional services in Telecommunications and Information Technology (IT).
We have delivered consulting and projects to governments and established or startup telecommunications operators, information technology companies, corporations and local administrations.
Primary market is USA, South America and member states of the European Union. Services are provided by our employees or contracted specialists. For U.S. and South American projects please contact Alex for details.
In the 2010s the telecom industry continues to be propelled by major technological trends, including increase in mobile and wired broadband for multimedia content, cloud computing and big data management.
Similar trends are playing out in the fiber optic space. Telecoms are realizing new consumer demands for high-speed connectivity that continues to rise in tandem with the increased use of wireless mobile devices. Growing consumer demand and ever-evolving technologies should continue to provide plenty of opportunities for telecom companies to navigate.
Especially in Europe we have gained significant experience in policy making and regulations of telecom and IT sectors, regulatory bodies, lobby, license sales, spectrum auction and bids, top management consulting and project management.
The core business of the Weston Digital Solutions™, our local service provider in the U.S., is IT consulting, project management, information system design, information security, tailor-made software development, as well as artificial intelligence designed for specific tasks.
We give trusted and personalized advice to our clients and we promise enthusiasm for helping them develop their company, and improve market share, sales and financial results.
User experience (UX) designers, web programmers, Apple macOS (OS X) and Microsoft Windows developers are also available for your projects.
Government and corporation telecom consultancy on regulation, license sales, bids, tenders
Networks and base stations, residential fiber networks, last miles.
WAN, LAN, Internet, WiFi, servers, VPN
Apple macOS and Microsoft Windows desktop applications. iOS and Android mobile applications
Responsive design for web building, user experience (UX), html5, css and javascript programming
Proprietary custom-made encryption, decryption, key management.
Consultancy for governments and corporations. Rules and regulations. License sales strategy. Bidding.
International project management. Designing and building residential telecom and IT services.
Last mile design and implementation. Subcontractor services.
Build or update IT strategy and policies for governments, administrations, organizations and businesses.
Topics are telecom regulations in the European Union and USA. IT security. Programming languages (C++, C#, Swift, Objective-C, Java). Web programming (HTML, Javascript, CSS, Wordpress PHP, JSP, .NET).
IT staffing. Remote technical support. Maintenance. Outsourcing in un-predictive situations.
Assistance in getting reliable Internet connections, WiFi home network, gigabit wired networks. Home office IT infrastructure.
Setup, configuration and repair of almost everything that has a microprocessor inside.
For businesses developing custom applications for Microsoft or Apple devices, tablets, laptops, PCs, servers. Business web site. Affordable Wordpress and HTML5 solutions.
Installation, configuration and repair. Computer monitoring and control of lights, security system, heating and A/C, audio and video, pool equipment, and all home electronics. Remote control from your phones, tablets or computers.
Installation, configuration and repair. It gives you the sights, sounds, and feelings of a true cinema experience in the comfort of your own home.
Installation and repair of HD security camera systems for home. Remote access for your mobile phones, tablets and computers.